Review for iPad mini “case” draws laughs, similar stories

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One Gizmodo poster was so impressed with his new iPad case, he had to share with the rest of the website's readers.

The case in question, however, is just a shipping envelope that is conveniently the same size as the iPad mini.

“I've been testing this new iPad Mini sleeve for a couple days now, and wow, it is simply great,” the poster, known only as “DAVVVVVVVE,” wrote on Whitenoise, Gizmodo's open thread for readers. “I'm surprised that USPS is getting into the iPad accessories market, and even more surprised by how great their iPad Mini sleeve is.”

Smart Cases from Apple can cost up to $70 on their online store. Compared to the “low price” (free) and bubblewrap protection provided by the USPS mailer, it's not hard to see why someone would reuse the envelope over shelling out for protection when it can be found for free elsewhere.

According to the comments section of his post, DAVVVVVVVE is not the first person to try this – or find success doing so. 

“I got [my MacBook] before there were a lot of options for snug slip cases, so for the first six months or so that I owned it I legitimately used a USPS bubble mailer as a slip case,” said reader Jesse David Morgan. “When it began wearing out I still couldn't find a reasonably priced sleeve, so I just bought a second bubble mailer.”

Couldn't find a shipping envelope before accidently dropping your iPad on the pavement? Visit iResQ today for all of your iPad repair and MacBook repair needs.

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