Why You Should Never Go to the Manufacturer for Screen Repair  

iPhone / iPhone

You have been living on the edge with your phone since the day you brought it. You just didn’t feel like you needed to invest the extra money for a case because you are very careful and nothing won’t happen to your phone, besides you will guard that thing with your life. Not surprisingly, almost everyone who purchases a phone feels the same way you do, like you are the most responsible person in the world and accidents don’t happen to you. Well, you can never be too sure and there’s nothing wrong with being too safe when it comes to your prized possession. Just in case the unthinkable happens and you need screen repairs, you should definitely think twice about going to your manufacturer for the repairs.

It’s Overpriced

Manufacturer’s are really getting over like fat rats at our expense and lack of knowledge. They are charging well over a hundred bucks to fix cracked screens and it’s taking longer for them to complete the job. Had we had the knowledge, we could just go online maybe amazon or eBay and buy a replacement screen for ten bucks, grab a cellphone repair kit for about $10-15 and complete the job in under 5 minutes. But, of course, this is something that they don’t tell you in the phone manual, it would cost the manufacturer thousands of dollars.

It Takes Too Long

It’s bad enough that your phone broke but to be without it who knows how long while the manufacturer repairs it is just insane. You feel naked without your phone and so disconnected from the world as you know it. Who knows when they will be finished fixing your phone..a couple of hours, a couple of days? Either way, who wants to go through that agony and uncertainty?

You May End Up with a Refurbished Phone

If the manufacturer is unable to repair your broken screen, they will usually go ahead and replace your phone. Sometimes instead of giving you a new phone, they try to cut costs and provide you with a refurbished one instead. A refurbished phone is one that has been returned to the manufacturer due to a defect or technical issue. The refurbished phone has been repaired, tested, cleaned and in some cases it may or may not come with a guarantee.

It’s best to go with iResQ! We have professional technicians to repair your phone quickly and for a low cost. Contact us today for more information why we’re better than a manufacturer when it comes to cellphone repair.

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