How to Fix a Broken iPod Charging Cord

iPod / iPod

Charging cords aren’t meant to last forever. When you take the charger, plug it into the iPod and then into the outlet over and over again, it makes sense it starts to show some wear. The good news is that you don’t have to throw your charger away when it breaks. The following are some ways you can fix the cord.

Usually, the problem is in the plugin part of the charger. You need remove the white casing to get to the part that’s broken. You can do this with a small knife like one that’s part of a Swiss Army knife.

ipod charging cord

Once you have that taken off, you’ll want to cut the wire where it is broken. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to see it because it will be frayed. It would be best to resolder the wire, but you don’t need to do it. You can then remove the rubber from the outside of the wire to see the foil. Expose the wire enough for you to work with it. You should now have three wires coming out of both the plug and the cord.

At this point, you need to use heat shrink tubing and a butane lighter to bring together the red, black, and white wires. Twist them together and secure with electrical tape. Be sure the wires are twisted together to make a connection or all of this work will be useless.

You can replace the white part on the iPod end of the cord. It just snaps back on.

You can plug it in now, and if you did everything right, you’ll be set to go. You will have a charger that works perfectly without having to buy a new one.

Continued Charging Issues

If you continue to have charging issues, you may want to try a new charger. If that doesn’t work, it could be the battery. Our certified technicians have a lot of experience replacing batteries in all models of iPods. Visit our battery replacement page for iPods to find the one you need. If you have any questions about your iPod charging or any other difficulties you’re having, please contact us by phone or email. We are happy to help.

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