Common MacBook Problems

MacBook / MacBook

You love your MacBook, but there’s always a potential you could always run into one of the most common problems to befall these devices. And if it can’t be fixed with the touch of a button, that’s where we come in.

Slow Running MacBook

Most people love these devices because they run quickly and efficiently. But every once in a while, the speed of all your apps can suddenly cut in half, and it can seem to take an hour just to open a document. Though endlessly frustrating, a slow-running MacBook is no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater; just come to see us for a quick diagnostic.

MacBook Not Charging

Lots of users who have had their MacBooks for several years or so suddenly find it won’t charge anymore. This could be an issue with the battery or it could mean you need a new charger. Let us help you figure it out.

MacBook Won’t Connect to WiFi

Sometimes, this can be fixed by simply turning the WiFi off and then on again. Other times, you may need to turn your router off and back on. But if your MacBook won’t connect to any WiFi routers at all, even the one at your local coffee shop, you might want to bring your computer in to us.

MacBook Is Frozen

If an app freezes on your Macbook, you probably won’t be able to quit the normal way. Instead, you can go into the dropdown menu from the Apple logo and choose “Force Quit” in order to close down the app. However, if your entire computer freezes, you may need to force a reboot by pressing Command + Control + Eject.

MacBook Won’t Turn Off or On

If your MacBook seems to be stuck in either the off or on position, you can force a shut down or a reboot. However, you may lose data if your computer is frozen. You can also call to give us an idea of what’s gone wrong with your laptop, and we can give you our professional opinion.

Experiencing a Common MacBook Problem?

Have you exhausted your personal knowledge when it comes to fixing the device yourself? Let us step in and help. Call [phone] now for your free diagnostic session so we can solve whatever issue your laptop is having and return it to you as good as new.

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