Which Is Better: Having Your Phone Screen Fixed Professionally or By a Friend?

Smartphone Repair / Smartphone Repair

Though many people may decide to turn to a friend for help getting their phone screen fixed when it’s broken, this isn’t always the best plan. It’s actually going to be much safer and easier to get your phone fixed by a professional, even if your friend may be offering to do it on the cheap.

What If…

What if your friend doesn’t do a good job fixing your phone and you can’t say anything? What if your friend doesn’t get to your phone in a timely manner and you’re without it for days or (gulp) weeks? What if your friend breaks your phone worse, decides to charge you last minute, or forgets your phone somewhere…?

What ifs are everywhere when you ask someone you know personally to do a professional job. There are so many variables that it can almost make the whole thing pointless. If you decide to bring your phone to us, there is no question about when we’ll have it back to you or how much we’ll charge. And if you do have questions, you don’t have to worry about asking them.

Friends Aren’t Always Reliable

Especially when people do jobs for free or for less because of a personal reason, it can be hard to rely on them and to know they will do it right. Many people take on phone repair jobs as a hobby or a way to make extra cash and don’t really care about the results. This is why it is so much safer to have your phone fixed by professionals who are completely reliable because fixing your device is their job.

Mixing Friendships and Business Can Be Dicey

Someone always gets frustrated or hurt when mixing business and pleasure. Most of the time, we do this to save ourselves a little bit of money, but will it be worth it if you and your friend have a falling out over fixing your phone? It’s better to err on the side of caution and make sure you take your device to a professional, someone who doesn’t have a relationship with you and who is guaranteed to do a good job.

Bring In Your Phone Today

If your screen is cracked and you need help fixing your device, bring it to us. We’ll fix it quickly and easily, and you won’t have to bother with anyone else.

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